Inspired engineering, trend forecasting and industry experience are the secret to creating luxurious furniture people are proud to own. As the “Innovators of Comfort,” we are masters of the comfort needs of the human body and continue to develop the most intuitive and beautiful comfort technology. We have earned this title through 80 years of furniture industry experience –from developing classic furniture pieces for every home to trend forecasting in the search for the next beautiful design. We are best at grasping what makes furniture part of your home and part of your lifestyle.
These collections are an example of the standards we hold our furniture to and why our product development process, while extensive, is crucial to the design of our elegant furniture that understands your body’s unique comfort preferences. Our products are much more than pieces of furniture – they are investments in your home; investments in your comfort. Lay back in a Stressless recliner and experience the complete oneness with the piece of furniture – a feeling of effortless support. Every aspect of our furniture cohesively works together, making the Stressless name powerful.
This level of design is simply our standard. Our mission is to develop the most comfortable seating in the world. To do this, we always stay a step ahead. Currently, we are designing for next year and beyond. Our trend anticipation and innovative drive enable us to continue learning and creating beautiful furniture to last a lifetime. It’s time to live Stressless.